
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." 1 Timothy 2:1 (NLT)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Prasie God for His Angels!!!

 Today MSNBC News article and other video about "Rescuer: I thought the man beneath the burning car was dead."

As I woke this morning I turned on the T.V. to catch the weather for today, as I always do.  This is what I saw, WOW!  The tears began to stream down my face in praise for those people and in Lord for placing "Angels" in and around the wreck to save him!!!  

PRAISE GOD for those people that joined together and were able to get the young man out from under the car!! 
The man is a 21 yr old, college student, Brandon Wright and he is OK and recovering in the hospital.

A final note: The "lady" you see in the video getting on her belly, the one that is instrumental in motivating every to push the car off the man beneath the burning car, disappeared and no one knows who she Angel?


  1. WOW!! Could very well be an angel. Thanks for sharing this.


  2. God is good... And all the time. Praising Him for sending His angels! I have had the most wonderful blessing from God... An angel, sent to help me. AMAZING! This was back a few years now, when I needed to make many trips back and forth to the hospital. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was for me. This was one, of two, wonderful things happening to me, and as it happens, both times I was in the same area of the hospital.

    I'm so glad Brandon Wright was saved. God has big plans for him, no doubt.

    Glory to God!!!

  3. Yes, Kerrie, Glory to God! Praise Him for sending His angels for you. He certainly has a plan for you, my dear sweet sister! Hugs&Blessings!

    Thank you so much for the button, can't wait to show it off! :D
    Hugs &Blessings:)


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