
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them." 1 Timothy 2:1 (NLT)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


We are a work in progress......


 God sometimes let things happen to us that either make us feel uncomfortable or hurt.  Sometimes the things that happen can be confusing and down right frustrating. Consider that this isn't the enemy at all but maybe it is God strengthening our character.   Think about this...Maybe God is letting certain experiences happen as a test to grow us to do His plan.   For His glory to shine through. As situations happen for a reason while  God puts people around us for periods of time, seasons or for lifetime.  Instead of praying that God would change the problem or the person we are having difficulties but we pray that God would show what is that needed changed or learn from this difficulty.  What are you trying to show or teach me God....maybe it is you or maybe it isn't but in more cases than not the difficulty is to strengthen your character. God will always raise us so when we don't understand why you are in the place you are, before you start pointing the finger, what part am I playing in this. ......

June 20, 2015
 I have not looked at my blog for 2 years,  I wrote this without posting 2013. I came back because I was just diagnosed with Heart Failure at the age 45.  My heart is only working at 15% out of a possible 50% (which is normal).  So to be able to wrap my brain around this is soo very difficult.  And see the look of surprise when nurses & the doctors look at me is almost as hard as this understanding this whole thing. I am not over weight, I'm active and otherwise the heck would this kind thing happen to my heart.  
I have to weight myself every morning, limit my fluid intake and somewhat monitor my diet. My diet has never been bad. I have to watch my soduim intake which ironically enough we already were doing that as a family.  My Doctor suspects a virus or prolonged hereditary  hypertension whatever the reason or cause this me now, this is where God has me...

A work in progress.......

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